Friday, January 22, 2010


Howka sisters and brothers.... I wanted to make sure everyone knew about the ceremony Feb. 6th for my uncle Augustine Quevas. He was a POW during WW2 and never returned home. The medals he was due were never given to our family, nor did anyone every come to our reservation to tell our family the truth about what happened to him. I had posted a note on a WW2 site thanks to roger mansell, and with that posting came emails from various people that either knew Uncle augustine or had a family member that was a POW with him. One of the men who's father survived the ship that Uncle Augustine died on is willing to give our family the medals that were due him. In turn I am loaning the medals to the local veterans museum along with photos and background info of Augustine. I am flying this man in and we will be having a ceremony of the giving of the medals from him to me and then from me to the museum. Please come out and honor our deceased Santa Ysabel tribal member's ceremony.The ceremony will be at the veterans museum in San Diego on Park blvd. on the west side. the cross street is Presidents way..

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