Saturday, July 18 - Tuesday, July 21, 2009U i i f C lif i B k lCollege HorizonsIs Your Tribe From California?Are you a current or former undergraduateat University of California, Berkeleystudent interested in Graduate School,Medical School, Law School, orMBA Programs?If you answered YES thenplease consider applyingto the 2009 SummerGraduate Horizons ProgramThe Graduate Horizons Program is a four-day "crash course" on issues facing Native Americancollege students, master's students, or alumni which helps prepare them for graduate school(master's, Ph.D., or professional school). Faculty, admission officers and deans representing hundreds ofgraduate disciplines and a host of graduate and professional schools will help you:² Select programs and career pathways suitable for you Contact² Learn what turns an applicant into an admitted student² Learn graduate school survival tips² Meet others with similar goals² Become a test-prep "whiz kid" on the GRE, GMAT, LSAT, & MCAT² Students will be selected by application. Second round receipt deadline is Feb. 27. Applications will beaccepted on a space available basis to June 1st (after May 1st, please contact us).²Christine Suina,Program Coordinator# (505) 401.3854info@collegehorizons.orgComplete program cost is $175 (includes tuition, room, meals, and transportation to campus from theOakland airport). Students are responsible for their own airfare, but substantial funds are available forairfare and tuition assistance (in 2008 the 70% of our students received travel awards).Note: Tribal members are eligible to apply, including Federal and Non-Federal Recognized NativeAmericans. Copy of Tribal Enrollment, Certificate of Indian Blood or letter of support from your tribe,tribal community, or tribal organization is required.Collaborating partners: American Indian Graduate Center, Winds of Change magazine, the Princeton Review Foundation, UCBerkeley American Indian Graduate Program, Cal NERDS, and many of the nation's finest graduate and professional programs.To Apply Visit: www.collegehorizons.orgMap credit: California Indian Library Collections: http://www.kstrom.net/isk/maps/ca/calprecontact.gif
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Posted by
Karen Vigneault Librarian
7:58 AM
Monday, April 27, 2009
Attention Native American, Native Hawaiian, & Alaska Native Students
College Horizons Saturday July 18 – Tuesday July 21 2009
The Graduate Horizons Program is a four-day “crash course” on issues facing Native American
college students, master’s students, or alumni which helps prepare them for graduate school
(master’s, Ph.D., or professional school). Faculty, admission officers and deans representing hundreds of
graduate disciplines and a host of graduate and professional schools will help you:
Saturday, Tuesday, 21, at UC Berkeley
Explore special issues for Native American students
Select programs and career pathways suitable for you
Learn what turns an applicant into an admitted student
Become a test-prep “whiz kid” on the GRE, GMAT, LSAT, & MCAT
Find your way through the financial aid,
scholarship, and fellowship jungle
Complete winning applications
Write memorable personal statements
Christine Suina,
Program Coordinator
PO Box 1262, Pena Blanca,
New Mexico, 87041
Phone: 505.401.3854
Dr Whitney Laughlin
Learn graduate school survival tips
Meet others with similar goals
Students will learn about a broad variety of programs and establish personal relationships with graduate
school representatives that continue long after the program is over.
This program is geared toward Native American (enrolled members), First Nations, Alaska Native, or
Native Hawaiian college students, college graduates, or master’s students.
Dr. Laughlin,
Program Director
g , g g ,
Students will be selected by application. First round receipt deadline is Feb. 2; 2nd round is Feb. 27.
Applications will be accepted on a space available basis to June 1st (after May 1st, please contact us).
Complete program cost is $175 (includes tuition, room, meals, and transportation to campus from the
Oakland airport). Students are responsible for their own airfare, but substantial funds are available for
airfare and tuition assistance (in 2008 the 70% of our students received travel awards).
American Indian Graduate Center Oregon Health Sciences University University of New Mexico
Programs and Universities Attending:
Arizona State University
Cornell University
Dartmouth College
Duke University
Harvard University
Institute for Broadening Participation
Institute for Recruitment of Teachers
Lewis & Clark Law School
NC S U i i
g y
Oregon State University
Seattle University
Stanford University
The Admission Advisory Group
The Princeton Review Foundation
University of Arizona
University of CA, Berkeley
University of CA, Los Angeles
U i it fMi hi A A b
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
University of Pennsylvania
University of Puget Sound
University of Utah
University of Washington
Washington State University
Washington University
Yale University
C i f G d S di
Collaborating partners: American Indian Graduate Center, Winds of Change magazine, the Princeton Review Foundation,
UC Berkeley American Indian Graduate Program, Cal NERDS, and many of the nation’s finest graduate and professional programs.
State University University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Consortium for Graduate Study in
Management (representing 14 Business Schools)
Photo credits: Kevin Leonard
Posted by
Karen Vigneault Librarian
6:13 PM
National Museum fo the American Indian Collections
Howka tribal members.. I was just sent this link from the American Indian Library Association emails. Thought our tribal members might enjoy looking around the site and seeing what they have that came from Santa Ysabel.
National Museum fo the American Indian Collections Search - The National Museum fo the Amercan Indian has a program whose goal is to digitize all 800,000+ item in their collection; 5,500+ are currently available. You can search by "People/Cultures", "Artists/Individuals", "Places", or "Object Specifics" (which consists to these choices: "Archeolgocial Items", "Ethnographic Items", "Modern and Contemporary Arts", "Photographic Collections", and "All of the Above Categories"). There is also an "Advanced Search" tool.
Posted by
Karen Vigneault Librarian
10:39 AM
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Native Lesbian & Gay pride
Howka tribal members,
For those of you that don't know I am the leader of Nations of the 4 Directions which is a 2 spirit Native American Lesbian and Gay support group. There are 2 events that some 2 spirit tribal members might want to participate in.
July 18th is Gay pride parade in San Diego and we will be marching. I am hoping other 2 spirit tribal members might want to come down to the city and participate. If you would like to march with us please email me (Karen)at the email below. kumeyaayindian@hotmail.com
Also July 23-26 is the 2nd Annual 2 spirit native women's gathering in San Diego at the girl scout camp. I am looking for speakers to conduct workshops, teach how to do basketry and other cultural things. The event is free and open to all 2 spirit Native women and their non native partners and children. Please email me if you are interested.
Posted by
Karen Vigneault Librarian
10:41 AM
Friday, April 17, 2009
Native Grants
Howka tribal members, I received some information about some grants we could possibly get for our youth and library. If the youth department is interested contact me so we can work together. Karen
Native Voices Endowment Announces Request for Proposals
Grants and scholarships will be given to individuals working to document or revitalize the languages of Native American tribes that came in contact with the Lewis and Clark Expedition between 1803-1806....
YouthActionNet Invites Applications for Global Fellowship Program
Twenty young social entrepreneurs will engage in a yearlong program designed to build their skills, experience, and contacts and enhance their leadership of innovative, world-changing organizations.
Association of Library Trustees, Advocates, Friends, and Foundations and Nordstrom to Award Matching Books for Babies Grants
Twenty matching grants of $500 each will be awarded to libraries, groups, and nonprofits for the purchase of kits containing books and other early literacy-promoting materials to help parents read to their babies.
[posted on PND RFP Bulletin, April 10, 2009]
Posted by
Karen Vigneault Librarian
11:02 AM
Thursday, April 16, 2009
5K Walk & Free Health Fair
Howka brothers and sisters, as you know many of our tribal members suffer from heart issues and or have heart transplants... I thought maybe tribal members might want to participate in this event being held at the Oceanside Pier on April 26th. The Cardiovascular Disease Foundation is hosting a 5K Walk & Free Health Fair from 8:00am-2:00pm Cholesterol, glucose and blood pressure screenings will be offered at no charge.
Kids 12 and under walk free – many organizations such as Boys & Girls Clubs are forming walking teams to bring some attention to childhood obesity and the importance of exercise. I think it would be great to rally together a walking group to represent our reservations in support of this event.
This is a great cause and directly relates to many of the challenges we face with our own families. What better way to fight cardiovascular disease then to get the whole family out and walking toward health.
Posted by
Karen Vigneault Librarian
1:27 PM